
Pick your Tier

Privacy-First Organization Dynamics Insight


Eliminate Liability Exposure.


Ever Wondered? Now you Know.


Eliminate Liability Exposure in Real-Time.


Define and customize your organization's policies and protocols with Blueprints. Set nuanced rules, thresholds, and guidelines to align interactions with your unique requirements.


Specify the number of protocols or rules within each Blueprint to ensure comprehensive coverage of your compliance and ethical standards.



Access pre-built Blueprints for common compliance areas, or use them as a starting point to create customized Protocols tailored to your Organization.



Manage multiple Blueprints to address different areas of your organization and different priority timeframes.


Test mode

Test and simulate your Blueprints in a safe environment before deploying them globally, ensuring accuracy and identifying potential issues.

Interaction Patterns

Protocols are based on a set of categories to cover the key aspects of a liability management - defensible Policies, proactive decision guidance, best practice promotion, performance tracking, and continuous learning/improvement.

Custom Policies Access

Policy is a foundational protocol type capturing your organizational policies, regulations and compliance mandates that must be adhered to in order to mitigate liabilities.

500 users


Gain valuable insights into potential flags, breaches, risk areas, and anonymised employee interactions through comprehensive analytics and reporting.

Quick View Upcoming

A set of individual statistics that provide a quick overview of your members' engagement, interactions and interest levels across different areas of the application.


Monitor and analyse employee engagement levels with your organization's policies and compliance initiatives.


Visualise Log trends over time.


Receive real-time notifications or "flags" when EVA detects potential issues or deviations from your defined policies, enabling proactive intervention.

Users Roles

Global Admin

GAs Have full permissions to manage all features including creating, editing, archiving, publishing, deleting Blueprints, managing billing, accessing the Library, accessing analytics, and managing members across all roles.


Has a view-only role for Published Blueprint with potential to add comments or feedback, stay aware of guidelines and can view the Organisation's members list.


Ever Wondered? Now you Know.


Go in depth and interact naturally with EVA.

Interactive Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest insight. EVA will update you on trends and help you improve oversight monitoring base don your priorities.

Blueprint Generation

Let EVA Generate a Blueprint based on a few instructions.


Define and customize your organization's policies and protocols with Blueprints. Set nuanced rules, thresholds, and guidelines to align interactions with your unique requirements.


Specify the number of protocols or rules within each Blueprint to ensure comprehensive coverage of your compliance and ethical standards.



Access pre-built Blueprints for common compliance areas, or use them as a starting point to create customized Protocols tailored to your Organization.

Full List


Manage multiple Blueprints to address different areas of your organization and different priority timeframes.


Test mode

Test and simulate your Blueprints in a safe environment before deploying them globally, ensuring accuracy and identifying potential issues.


Capture snapshots of your Blueprints at specific points in time, enabling version control and allowing you to revert to previous configurations if needed and match logs occurrence.

Patterns Seeker

Protocols are based on a set of categories to cover the key aspects of a liability management - defensible Policies, proactive decision guidance, best practice promotion, performance tracking, and continuous learning/improvement

Custom Policies Access

Policy is a foundational protocol type capturing your organizational policies, regulations and compliance mandates that must be adhered to in order to mitigate liabilities.


500 users

North Star Alignment Upcoming

Your selected members facing daily interaction will be able to pick a specific type of Protocol linked to their Phantom's NS-A* guiding them accordingly.

Protocols Categories:

  • Critical Thinking (CT): Providing decision support protocols is crucial for enabling employees to make informed choices while navigating liability considerations during live advisory conversations.
  • Gold Standard (GS): A best practice protocol  type allowing your Organisation to define and promote strict guidelines for an ideal liability-conscious advisory process.
  • Good Practice (GP): Real-world case studies and examples under this category can serve as powerful learning tools for employees on identifying and handling potential liability incidents.


Price per Seat

Customizable Alerting

and Escalation

Tailor alert and escalation procedures based on the severity or context of policy violations, ensuring that the right stakeholders are notified and appropriate actions are taken.


Gain valuable insights into potential flags, breaches, risk areas, and anonymised employee interactions through comprehensive analytics and reporting.

Quick View Upcoming

A set of individual statistics that provide a quick overview of your members' engagement, interactions and interest levels across different areas of the application.


Monitor and analyse employee engagement levels with your organization's policies and compliance initiatives.


Visualise Log trends over time.


Receive real-time notifications or "flags" when EVA detects potential issues or deviations from your defined policies, enabling proactive intervention.

Logs Export

Export detailed logs and analytics in CSV, for further analysis, auditing, or integration with other systems.

Protocol Insights Upcoming


Provides in-depth insights into the performance and effectiveness of individual Protocols.


Track and monitor generalised web browsing activities and domain access, helping you identify potential risks, security threats, or policy violations related to internet usage.

Customizable Alerting

and Escalation

Tailor alert and escalation procedures based on the severity or context of policy violations, ensuring that the right stakeholders are notified and appropriate actions are taken.

User Roles

Global Admin

GAs Have full permissions to manage all features including creating, editing, archiving, publishing, deleting Blueprints, managing billing, accessing the Library, accessing analytics, and managing members across all roles.


Has a view-only role for Published Blueprint with potential to add comments or feedback, stay aware of guidelines and can view the Organisation's members list.


Create, edit, archive, publish, delete Blueprints, access the Library for duplication and deletion, view analytics, and invite/upgrade members to Architect and Member roles.


A crucial role that can edit Blueprints in draft mode, access the Library to create and edit their own Blueprints and those they're invited to, invite members to collaborate on their protocols, and view analytics.


The Treasurer role is dedicated to managing billing and subscriptions for the organization.


Go in depth and interact naturally with EVA.

Interactive Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest insight. EVA will update you on trends and help you improve oversight monitoring base don your priorities.

Blueprint Generation

Let EVA Generate a Blueprint based on a few instructions.


Define and customize your organization's policies and protocols with Blueprints. Set nuanced rules, thresholds, and guidelines to align interactions with your unique requirements.


Specify the number of protocols or rules within each Blueprint to ensure comprehensive coverage of your compliance and ethical standards.




Access pre-built Blueprints for common compliance areas, or use them as a starting point to create customized Protocols tailored to your Organization.


Full List


Manage multiple Blueprints to address different areas of your organization and different priority timeframes.



Test mode

Test and simulate your Blueprints in a safe environment before deploying them globally, ensuring accuracy and identifying potential issues.


Capture snapshots of your Blueprints at specific points in time, enabling version control and allowing you to revert to previous configurations if needed and match logs occurrence.

Patterns Seeker

Protocols are based on a set of categories to cover the key aspects of a liability management - defensible Policies, proactive decision guidance, best practice promotion, performance tracking, and continuous learning/improvement.

Custom Policies Access

Policy is a foundational protocol type capturing your organizational policies, regulations and compliance mandates that must be adhered to in order to mitigate liabilities.

500 users

500 users

North Star Alignment Upcoming

Your selected members facing daily interaction will be able to pick a specific type of Protocol linked to their Phantom's NS-A* guiding them accordingly.

Protocols Categories:

  • Critical Thinking (CT): Providing decision support protocols is crucial for enabling employees to make informed choices while navigating liability considerations during live advisory conversations.
  • Gold Standard (GS): A best practice protocol  type allowing your Organisation to define and promote strict guidelines for an ideal liability-conscious advisory process.
  • Good Practice (GP): Real-world case studies and examples under this category can serve as powerful learning tools for employees on identifying and handling potential liability incidents.

Price per Seat

Price per Seat


Gain valuable insights into potential flags, breaches, risk areas, and anonymised employee interactions through comprehensive analytics and reporting.

Quick View Upcoming

A set of individual statistics that provide a quick overview of your members' engagement, interactions and interest levels across different areas of the application.


Monitor and analyse employee engagement levels with your organization's policies and compliance initiatives.


Visualise Log trends over time.


Receive real-time notifications or "flags" when EVA detects potential issues or deviations from your defined policies, enabling proactive intervention.


Making sure to differentiate what was written, and what was sent.

Logs Export

Export detailed logs and analytics in CSV, for further analysis, auditing, or integration with other systems.

Protocol Insights Upcoming

Provides in-depth insights into the performance and effectiveness of individual Protocols.


Track and monitor generalised web browsing activities and domain access, helping you identify potential risks, security threats, or policy violations related to internet usage.

Customizable Alerting and Escalation

Tailor alert and escalation procedures based on the severity or context of policy violations, ensuring that the right stakeholders are notified and appropriate actions are taken.

Users Roles

Global Admin

GAs Have full permissions to manage all features including creating, editing, archiving, publishing, deleting Blueprints, managing billing, accessing the Library, accessing analytics, and managing members across all roles.


Has a view-only role for Published Blueprint with potential to add comments or feedback, stay aware of guidelines and can view the Organisation's members list.


Create, edit, archive, publish, delete Blueprints, access the Library for duplication and deletion, view analytics, and invite/upgrade members to Architect and Member roles.


A crucial role that can edit Blueprints in draft mode, access the Library to create and edit their own Blueprints and those they're invited to, invite members to collaborate on their protocols, and view analytics.


The Treasurer role is dedicated to managing billing and subscriptions for the organization.

Most common questions

Privacy & Security

blankstate prioritizes employee privacy by never storing any sensitive or conversational data. We encrypt any necessary information securely, and our federated approach keeps all private details on the user’s device, preventing unauthorized access.

The core principle of our solution is federated processing. Main calculations and data processing occur locally, while any data required on our platform is encrypted for maximum security.

No, we do not use any external AI APIs. We have our own proprietary technology and do not send data to third-party services, ensuring complete data privacy and security.

Absolutely. You can visit our dedicated privacy page or contact fair@blankstate.ai to request comprehensive information about our robust data encryption practices and access control protocols.

We prioritize compliance with data privacy regulations through external audits, adherence to relevant ISO standards, and minimizing data collection to only what is strictly necessary for maintaining user privacy and regulatory integrity.

Functionality and Features

Our solution allows you to create virtually any type of policy or guideline using natural language input. While we provide helpful templates to get started, the possibilities are limitless, subject to privacy and regulatory safeguards.

Our proprietary Phantom extension accompanies users during their interactions, ensuring data stays secure and preventing unintentional liability. Phantom communicates with our EVA platform, which hosts your policies and protocols, to detect potential violations and flag areas of concern with a breach level from 0 to 100, without compromising user anonymity.

Managers can access real-time trends and export raw data for comprehensive analytics using tools like Power BI, R, or Excel. This provides a pulse check on organizational health based on your defined targets.

Yes, EVA understands natural language inputs, allowing you to create and refine customized policies tailored to your organization’s unique needs before publishing them.

Implementation and Use

Implementation is straightforward and requires no IT involvement. Managers create an organization on our platform and define rules for EVA. Employees are then invited to sign up, download the Phantom extension, and associate it with the organization. The entire process is quick and seamless.

Our intuitive onboarding process typically eliminates the need for extensive training. However, our support team is available at support@blankstate.ai to assist with any questions or guidance needed, especially for creating initial protocols.

Currently, our solution operates as a standalone platform to maintain data control and security. If you have an existing ecosystem you’d like to integrate with our solution, please contact us to explore potential integration options.

Absolutely. Our tiered pricing model supports scaling automatically up to 500 members per organization. To maintain anonymity and engagement principles, a minimum of 10 members is required. If your organization exceeds 500 members, please contact us for tailored solutions.

Level the Playing Field

Cultivating Wellness & Engagement

Measuring employee satisfaction
Monitoring signs of burnout risk
Fostering inclusive environments
Promoting transparency and psychological safety

By tracking inclusion, transparency, satisfaction, and burnout risk, this policy blueprint provides insights that can be used to shape an engaged, psychologically safe culture. This promotes workforce resiliency, performance, and retention.

Optimizing Operations & Investments

Right-sizing technology budgets based on usage
Rationalizing tool sprawl to maximize value
Identifying redundant expenditures
Quantifying productivity and output

With visibility into technology usage, expenditures, and productivity, my model identifies redundant costs, rationalizes tool sprawl, right-sizes budgets, and quantifies output. This leads to optimized investments, reduced waste, and improved operations.

Driving Progress & Outcomes

Understanding blockers in key initiatives
Diagnosing issues sinking team morale
Pinpointing friction slowing decision- making
Identifying know-how gaps hampering innovation

Leveraging daily interactions and communications, my model diagnoses blockers, sinking morale, friction, and know-how gaps that impact key initiatives, decision-making, innovation, and overall team effectiveness. This intelligence allows for actions that drive progress.

Mitigating Risks & Liabilities

Identifying policy non-compliance
Detecting early signs of harassment issues
Monitoring for security/data vulnerabilities
Flagging interpersonal conflicts and discontent

By continuously monitoring communications and relationships, my model identifies potential issues early, such as policy violations, harassment, conflicts, or security risks. This protects organizations by allowing for proactive intervention before problems escalate.

Applying Policies & Guidelines

Enforcing codes of conduct
Embedding core values across communications
Ensuring inclusive language in external messaging
Aligning internal dialogs to DEI priorities

Analyse communications and dialogs to ensure adherence to codes of conduct, embedding of organizational values, use of inclusive language, and alignment with diversity, equity, and inclusion priorities. This helps organizations walk the talk when it comes to enacted values and policies.