

Become a Mind Architect: Turn Interactions into Actions

Turning institutional knowledge into structured frameworks decoding complex behaviours and surface insights.

Objectively highlight interaction patterns with a human-centered approach. Blankstate's continual self-tuning model allows perpetual alignment whilst behaviors evolve or new cases emerge. Blueprints are living frameworks that can flexibly accommodate the dynamics of people and culture over time through Mind Architects and other experts' designs.

The result is AI that moves beyond static rules to dynamically sync with the richness of human thinking and values. Blueprints enable those patterns to be captured at scale while minimizing subjective bias - creating consensus around insights that propel progress.


EVA - Blueprints

Structured frameworks for quantifying various cognitive patterns created by Mind Architects, Blueprints allow codifying concepts like policies, procedures, values and behaviours into interactive assessments powered by AI

Let’s start

Effortlessly create your blueprint using pre-designed templates, EVA AI assistance, or start from scratch!

Customize your Blueprint

Provide a title and description, then start adding details. Your protocols will be automatically categorized, or you can manually assign a category

Preview it

Once you’re done, you can preview and test your blueprint. Try out different scenarios and tweak the settings accordingly.


You can go ahead and share it with the team

Cultivating Wellness & Engagement

Measuring employee satisfaction
Monitoring signs of burnout risk
Fostering inclusive environments
Promoting transparency and psychological safety

By tracking inclusion, transparency, satisfaction, and burnout risk, this policy blueprint provides insights that can be used to shape an engaged, psychologically safe culture. This promotes workforce resiliency, performance, and retention.

Optimizing Operations & Investments

Right-sizing technology budgets based on usage
Rationalizing tool sprawl to maximize value
Identifying redundant expenditures
Quantifying productivity and output

With visibility into technology usage, expenditures, and productivity, my model identifies redundant costs, rationalizes tool sprawl, right-sizes budgets, and quantifies output. This leads to optimized investments, reduced waste, and improved operations.

Driving Progress & Outcomes

Understanding blockers in key initiatives
Diagnosing issues sinking team morale
Pinpointing friction slowing decision- making
Identifying know-how gaps hampering innovation

Leveraging daily interactions and communications, my model diagnoses blockers, sinking morale, friction, and know-how gaps that impact key initiatives, decision-making, innovation, and overall team effectiveness. This intelligence allows for actions that drive progress.

Mitigating Risks & Liabilities

Identifying policy non-compliance
Detecting early signs of harassment issues
Monitoring for security/data vulnerabilities
Flagging interpersonal conflicts and discontent

By continuously monitoring communications and relationships, my model identifies potential issues early, such as policy violations, harassment, conflicts, or security risks. This protects organizations by allowing for proactive intervention before problems escalate.

Applying Policies & Guidelines

Enforcing codes of conduct
Embedding core values across communications
Ensuring inclusive language in external messaging
Aligning internal dialogs to DEI priorities

Analyse communications and dialogs to ensure adherence to codes of conduct, embedding of organizational values, use of inclusive language, and alignment with diversity, equity, and inclusion priorities. This helps organizations walk the talk when it comes to enacted values and policies.